The Conditions of Ancient Carthage in North Africa during the First Century BC
Within the development of time the mind of the ancient person is being developed both biologically and socially . This development leads to the stage of awareness and awareness of its existence and its need for others . The first appearance of human thinking is social . With the complexity of life , its development and the human need for advanced methods in primitive political thinking to solve its problems and dilemmas facing it in life , the human mind interacted with each stage and absorbed its requirements . It is natural for the human mind to be affected by the environment, namely its social and political requirements and influence it to achieve the finest civilizations in the ancient world . There is a general agreement that an objective and critical understanding that facilitates knowledge of the present and planning for the future
One of the topics that have not been clearly defined is the conditions of North Africa Civilization , especially the Cartage Civilization , in the ancient world . Students of ancient history in North Africa have to make more efforts to carry out serious research in order to unify the views and thus raise confusion and shed light on important civilizational, political and economic aspects in the ancient history of Carthage in North Africa