The effectiveness of program me to Improve Recall Habits to Low Academic students at preparatory stage

  • Hameed Salim Kalaf University of Tikrit College of Education for Humanities


Low  academic achecvem ent to manu students  is not attributed only to their mental capacity or IQ, it may be to their eaperience student in recall haloits which they depend on the needs in all learning stages someone who guides and advice him to learn and follow proper recall habits apply them and avoid following inpnopor recall habits . To achiev this the current study aims at building measure for recall habits and building an educationd pnogramme to know the effe ctirenest it iu improving and developing recall habits to pneparatory school stud ents . To achiere the objectires ot te study the  following zero hypo theses are set up: -                                     

  1. Thene are no significant differeuces in the ararage of goal growp students and the con traol group scores in posf test for recall habi ts literary and scientific mayors.

2.Thene are no statistically significant differeu ces in ta avaraga of goal group studenf  and the contral group scores in pne-test and post-test for recall habits to literary and seieutific majors.

gool grsup

(scientific major) and the score avaraagc at goal growp students (Literary major) in measuring post-test recall habits.To achieue that, an educationap 

Pngramme is designed according to certain objectives and steps. The validity of the programme is done by having it reviewed by a growrof eaperts 

processed by spss :The study has come up with these results:

1-Thene are stastically significautd fterenee between the two groups it is fer the goal one-betaeen

2-Thene are statistically significaut difterences the two avarages it is for the pos

Mar 24, 2019
How to Cite
SALIM KALAF, Hameed. The effectiveness of program me to Improve Recall Habits to Low Academic students at preparatory stage. Journal of Tikrit university for humanities - مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الانسانية, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 10, p. 372-382, mar. 2019. ISSN 1817-6798. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 july 2024.