The Strength of Ego and Its Relationship with Identity of Students of the University of Tikrit

  • Mahdi Ahmed


The current situation in Iraq, which led to wars and occupation, has complicated the social, economic, political and psychological situation. We have recognized that there is a real crisis affecting all aspects of life. The means of communication and modern technologies have influenced the values ​​of young people. Internet sites and satellite stations transmit to our children news, advs., traditions, customs and traditions that violate the values ​​of faith, morality and traditions derived from our heritage. This leads to the blind imitation of the values ​​of the East and the West that contradict with the principles of Islam. The present research is based on a target group as a fundamental pillar in society, where it has many responsibilities and tasks that concern the future of the country. The study was aimed at identifying the level of personality and its relation to the formation of identity and recognition of the level of differences between pure science and human disciplines, as well as knowledge of the correlation between the two variables. The researcher adopted. Al-Ameen (2014) scale of the (54) paragraphs. The researcher built the personal attributes scale to measure the strength of ego. The researcher tested validity and reliability by using alpha kronba (0.83-0.84). The samples consisted of (80) students who were selected randomly from the college of Education for Humanities and Pure Sciences. The researcher used the T-test of two independent samples. The results of the study showed that university students showed a higher level than the average of society. The high level of strength and identity of  university students can be explained by the fact that their personalities are strong and deeply rooted with their physical and psychological development and are rooted deep in their depths so that no emergency condition and deliberate acts can uproot these roots. It is a proof to students' awareness of the need for adherence to identity and the fight against attempts to destroy and tear down identity as well as the existence of differences between students according to the variable of specialization (scientific - human) for the benefit of humanities. That is, the elements of identity are gradually formed in the stages of individual's life, it is the thread in which individuals are organized at home or

Oct 16, 2019
How to Cite
AHMED, Mahdi. The Strength of Ego and Its Relationship with Identity of Students of the University of Tikrit. Journal of Tikrit university for humanities - مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الانسانية, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 7, p. 548-525, oct. 2019. ISSN 1817-6798. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: