Sit in the Koran, and its impact on the Muslim's steadfastness on his Islamic identity

  • Mohammed Jubouri
  • Osama Jubouri


The Islamic society passes in difficult circumstances that invite us to get back to our religion and to the holly Quran, and to leave imitating the old fathers, grandfathers and the enemies. That is because our youth i.e. males and females began imitating what they hear or see with no idea if it is good or bad. So, this research is written and entitled (Getting back to the holly Quran and its effect on the Muslim's stability on his faith and Islamic identity).This study is divided into an introduction and four sections:1-Al-Itsam (holding fast to the book of Allah) definition in linguistics and terminology.2-The Muslims' imitation of the others traditions.3-The difference between imitation and following up.4-The aids that help Muslim to stay on his Islamic identity. Then, these sections are followed by a conclusion showing the main results that this study has come up with. Some of them are:1-The meaning of (holding fast) is to be controlled by God's orders and follow them.2-It is noticed that most of those who of those who are part of the Islamic society prefer their grandfathers and sheikhs rather than the correct legislative texts.3-Most of the people mix between the two terms (imitation and following the right path) even if they contradict and each has its different meaning.4-There is a blind imitation _done without vision-by most of the Muslims  to the unbelievers in their traditions which do not confirm with the Islamic traditions and customs. The ways that may help to be hold to the book of Allah are:1-Holding fast to the book of Allah and his prophet's sayings –peace and blessings be upon him-and this is one of his wills to his nation.2-The Islamic religion is built on the message transferred through Gabriel and the correct message brought from Allah not upon imitation, so we have to follow the correct Islamic rules not imitating anyone whoever he is.3-We have to follow our prophet and take his patience as an example when he managed to stand even if he is hurt by the unbelievers waiting for the solution from Al-mighty. 4-We have to follow what our prophet had left even if it is part of the worships genres.5-we have to follow our prophet and follow his orders, behaviors and all the things he did. Then, the list of references and the most findings this study has come up  at the end…...

Oct 16, 2019
How to Cite
JUBOURI, Mohammed; JUBOURI, Osama. Sit in the Koran, and its impact on the Muslim's steadfastness on his Islamic identity. Journal of Tikrit university for humanities - مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الانسانية, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 7, p. 90-81, oct. 2019. ISSN 1817-6798. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: