'athara aistiemal 'iistratijiat kwl fi aiktisab almafahim alkimiayiyat 'iilaa talmidhat alkhamis alaibtidayiyi fi madat aleulum

  • Muhannad yahya hassan University of Tikrit College of Education for Humanities
  • Muhannad yahya hassan University of Tikrit College of Education for Humanities


The present study aimed at finding out the effect of the use of kwl strategy on the acquisition of chemical concepts among fifth graders in science. In order to verify the research objectives, the researcher formulated the following zero hypothesis:

-There was no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group and the average scores of the control group students in the chemical acquisition test

In order to verify this hypothesis, the researcher conducted an experiment that took a full course. The following procedures were adopted:

The experimental design was selected for two groups (experimental and control). The researcher chose the educational family and the birds of Paradise, which are day schools, within Tikrit District in a purposeful manner. The sample consisted of 53 students. They were randomized to two experimental groups that were taught a kwl strategy and a control that was taught in the usual way. For the sake of the integrity of the research, the researcher has rewarded between the two research groups for some variables that may have an effect on the independent variable such as age, intelligence,

-The scientific material of the research was identified in the chapters (fifth and sixth) of the science book for the 2017-2018 academic year. 12 main concepts were identified, and three behavioral objectives were formulated for each concept (definition, discrimination, application). The researcher also prepared the teaching plans for the two groups.

-The researcher prepared the tools for the research, where he prepared a test to acquire the chemical concepts that were identified and the existence of three experimental paragraphs for each concept, the number of paragraphs of the test of the acquisition of concepts (32) test paragraph of the type of multiple choice.

After the experiment was completed, the tests were carried out and the results obtained were treated statistically using descriptive statistical methods (eg dispersion measures, Central and correlation coefficients), and suggestive T tests include, as well as statistical means of learning as a square, and the results have shown:

-The students of the experimental group are superior to the students of the control group in acquiring the students' chemical concepts.

Based on the results, the researcher concluded that the adoption of the kwl strategy in teaching has a positive effect on the acquisition of the chemical concepts of the students of the fifth grade of the primary, and in light of that the researcher put a number of recommendations in addition to a number of proposals

Mar 22, 2019
How to Cite
YAHYA HASSAN, Muhannad; YAHYA HASSAN, Muhannad. 'athara aistiemal 'iistratijiat kwl fi aiktisab almafahim alkimiayiyat 'iilaa talmidhat alkhamis alaibtidayiyi fi madat aleulum. Journal of Tikrit university for humanities - مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الانسانية, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. 369-382, mar. 2019. ISSN 1817-6798. Available at: <https://jtuh.tu.edu.iq/index.php/hum/article/view/43>. Date accessed: 03 may 2024.